About us

This is the day, I sat down to my first blog post to write, without knowing whether anyone would be interested in reading. But that was okay. My only reason to start a blog, it is to make friends with others who do to share the same ideas. And if that is not the case, I had to return to my quiet world of carpentry corner.

But this does not happen. I have many friends. And I would never have provided all the other things that took place over the next five and a half years because of my blog.

I am very grateful for all the opportunities way received encouragement and the knowledge that I gained.

During the first three years, I'm obsessed with "my blog feed" with visits to historical sites and events Wood and pushed me to try new things.

Since then I cut back on blogging. With so many out there great content through podcasts and blogs and online communities, such as the Association of modern wood, it seems that all the bases covered.

I'm not sure what my next step is wood, * but I think it's time to sit on the bench in the league of blogs and watch the game from the cheering section.

So I leave you with some of my favorite posts, and I offer my sincere thanks for reading Joe The Carpenter Blog.

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